Thursday, July 18, 2013

Learning Log

Learning Logs, and how they Grew... 
            Previous posts have introduced the Learning Log as a tool for both teachers and students.  Please explore this very engaging and effective format for keeping everybody focused on where we're going with our learning!

            In the past, I have sometimes had a section for morning reflections/personal journaling, where I sometimes responded back.  (We used a post-it tab to designate that section.)  Anything that involves journaling of any kind can be incorporated here, and I’ve tried it all.  Every year I change, and sometimes I drop some of the plans when I see how the year is going…….It’s important to start out with a standard/goal framework and just flesh it out as it evolves.  Have your big plans ready but know that you probably won’t implement them all the first year!

            This year I’m trying something new:  a plastic prong/pocket folder AND the small bound (not spiral) comp book.  They fit into the back pocket nicely, but so do regular spirals that aren’t too thick, IF you don’t use both flaps for the prongs.  I put paper in the prongs but only fasten through the FIRST flap, so the folder is much more flexible.  The comp book is for goals/standard and responses/reflections; the prongs have paper and procedural notes, etc.  The front pocket is for spontaneous stuff that doesn’t fit anywhere or that is waiting to transition to a page somewhere.  Maybe later you will put it in the prongs, or use the glue stick to put it in the LL.  You will discover that it often happens that you’ve got this paper, and no time to take care of it, so it’s great to have a procedure in place for saving stuff when you run out of time.  You might want to put notes the kids use all year in the plastic sleeves.  You can use dividers or cardstock to create sections if you find a need. 

So, keep McLearning, and try something new this year.  Give your kids a chance to  Log their Learning.

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